Quick Posts


Unwined-ing around Castello Banfi Wines

img-20160406-wa0006Upping the fun quotient at 'unwined' sessions: (L-R) Guillaume Blanchard, myself and Sagar Nath, Marketing Manager, Brindco Sales

Innovation and enthusiasm go hand in hand. It is only the enthused who innovate. Conversely, innovation  generates further enthusiasm.

Over the past one month I attended a series of innovative wine sessions called ‘unwined’ which look at breaking the stereotypes often associated with wine tastings. The sessions were hosted by Madhulika Bhattacharya a.k.a. Madame La Cave, the prolific owner of La Cave – the best wine store of current times  in New Delhi. Just a day back I attended an ‘unwined’ dinner with wines from Castello Banfi – the famed producer from Tuscany. (If you would like to know more about La Cave, click here to read my article on the store, published in vino india)

As the name suggests, ‘Unwined by La Cave’ are wine tastings/dinners that urge wine lovers to approach the tastings in a care-free manner with the sole focus of unwinding around wine. Hence there is no dress code, expectations of  technical jargon or anybody treated more equal than others.

But the most appealing aspect of these sessions is Madhulika’s endeavour to time them with the visits of respective winery representatives, resulting in first hand interaction between producers and end consumers. For the Banfi dinner, Guillaume Blanchard, Regional Manager Banfi, South East Asia did the honours.

Coming back to the innovation theme, while I was sharing a pictorial of the Banfi dinner on my official Facebook page ‘Colonel Joe’ , I realised that we keep duplicating content on the World Wide Web on different platforms to reach different sets of audience. What if the same content could be reused across platforms with a little context tailoring relevant to each? It would  result not only  in a faster dissemination of information but also spare the planet some unnecessary carbon emissions arising from data duplication and computing resources. The idea of “Quick Posts” on Guns 2 Gewurztraminer was born.

In this inaugural quick post, I am sharing below, the aforesaid  FB pictorial of the Banfi dinner. Hope it will convey the essence of the event . For later quick posts, I visualise having feed from multiple channels in a single blog post.

Click on any photo start viewing the album.


Enjoy and do share your feedback in the comments space below.

Cheers, Santé and Salud!