

A Holi Holiday With Special Drinks and Food


The arrival of spring in India also ushers in Holi- the festival of colours where people, irrespective of their stature in the society, generously smear  colour  and embrace  each other  in the spirit of universal brotherhood. This colourful revelry is preceded by a night of bonfire which has a significant legend associated with it. If you would like to know more about Holi, here is a good resource giving out the details ‘holi’stically:

This Holi, I am proceeding to my hometown for a short vacation to play colour with  my near and dear ones specially those whom I have not met in some time. I think the occasion will be a good excuse to get in touch once again. Owing to my association with the world of beverages, I am also sanguine that expectations aplenty would be greeting me on the drinks front. This realization sparked a bright idea- why not seek quick inputs from inspiring trade professionals (a.k.a. Trail Blazers) who are also good friends?  Presto! the recipes materialised within no time after a round of tasting sessions and the result is produced here in the form of images intended to make downloading and sharing easier.

Enjoy and here’s wishing you a safe and happy Holi!

The Drinks: By Ace Mixologist Jeewan Papola


The next time you visit The Lalit, don’t forget to visit their bar at ‘Kitty Su’ one of the most happening night clubs of Delhi. Mixologist Jeewan’s magic will make you chew your Martinis and serenade your Margaritas like never before…

Jeewan’s Holi  recipes for Guns 2 Gewurztraminer





The Food: By Celebrity Chef Vaibhav Bhargava

Chef Vaibhav’s repertoire of Pan Asian dishes is so large that it is a task in itself to shortlist a few for special requirements like these. However, for Holi,I requested him for 4 recipes with the following criteria-  finger food, soup and  bowl meal,  easily preparable with commonly available ingredients and easy to handle. He was kind enough to honour my request, though I honestly feel that his expertise with oriental food (specially Japanese cuisine) can only be experienced by visiting him at the  ‘Pan Asian’ in Sheraton Saket. (Mention to him Guns 2 Gewurztraminer and I think he will give you special treatment too!







7 winter cocktails in the run up to the New Year!

dsc03838Eldo Jacob, the innovative Beverage Manager at Radisson Blu Plaza, New Delhi


Happy New Year! I say this much in advance, having wondered even earlier as to how I could possibly add value to your New Year celebrations through a year-end special blog post. Bingo- came the idea when I went visiting hotel Radisson Blu Plaza, New Delhi and met their Beverage Manager Eldo Jacob.  Eldo has this parfait amour (pun intended) for libations and I thought it was a good idea to whip up some winter cocktails with him to make the Xmas and New Year celebrations merrier.

Sure enough, Eldo and I had a rendezvous fixed-up, donning our aprons to create a  warm bouquet of drinks just apt for the season.  At the rate of a drink each day starting X-Mas, these seven drinks are sure to culminate the year gone-by in style. Enjoy!

P.S. The recipes are in the form of downloadable images for your convenience. Feel free to share.

Cocktail # 7:  The perfect  X-Mas Drink


Cocktail # 6: Boxing day bonhomie


Cocktail # 5: Spicing it up for the New Year eve ahead


Cocktail # 4: Cocking a snook at the freezing temperatures


Cocktail # 3 : Mulling over the celebration options


Cocktail # 2 : New Year preliminaries


Cocktail # 1: A toast to the brand new year!
