On the fourth anniversary of the launch of Vijay Amritraj Collection wines, the tennis icon arrived in New Delhi to share the vision and story behind these wines. The VA collection wines have already won 22 awards in two years
Miguel A Torres, President of Spain's prestigious Torres Vineyards arrived in India to conduct a masterclass of Mas La Plana- a wine he created half a century ago. I took the opportunity to converse with him on globally relevant issues
What's in a day? One may wonder, given the ever-increasing trend of associating specific days with events, objects, relations and more. A recent event evoking a similar thought was the Malbec World Day, which was celebrated in New Delhi at
At a dinner hosted by La Cave Fine Wines and Spirits at The Lodhi New Delhi, Brian Streeter, Culinary Director Cakebread Cellars delighted wine lovers of all hues with his exquisite cuisine.
India's biggest wine festival SulaFest concluded this February in its 11th avatar at Nashik. A report.
Marchesi di Barolo wines were showcased in New Delhi by none other than Anna Abbona- the fifth generation owner of the iconic house that started the Barolo revolution.
With the passage of time, Austrian wines are gaining more and more recognition in newer wine countries like India. But there is still a long way to go. Despite putting earnest efforts, Austrian wines have so far had limited success in
The first ever Indian Wine Day was celebrated across India and in London on 16 Nov 17. The day was planned to coincide with the Beaujolais Nouveau day, that falls on every third thursday of November. The initiative was the
India's prominent winemaker Grover Zampa Vineyards celebrated their 25 years of winemaking by conducting marquee events and launching a new sparkling wine called Auriga.
Coravin- the world’s most fancied wine gadget has arrived in India. And it is brought in by none other than Brindco - the country’s leading wine importer.